Microsoft training courses
For individual course details or to register, please hover over the appropriate tab ABOVE and wait for the course titles to appear - then click your choice.
Istek provides cost effective online training sessions, delivered on our training platform. You can attend from your own computer, just needing speakers or headphones.
Our Microsoft courses include:
Three 4-part courses that cover Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook - at basic, intermediate and advanced levels
Excel only at basic, bitesize (beginner to intermediate) and Masterclass levels
Word only at bitesize (beginner to intermediate) and Masterclass level
Teams, Zoom and Google Classroom
Forms, ToDo, Sway
The courses are £99 each per school. Multiple delegates from the same school can attend for this price.
Alternatively you can purchase a whole year of training covering all courses, for £299 per school.