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Microsoft app training for schools


Includes Microsoft Teams, Forms, Loop, OneNote, Sway & To Do.


Microsoft 365 – free to all schools - empowers schools to unlock creativity and promote teamwork and provides an extremely powerful set of tools, designed to help you become more productive with less effort.


While many people are familiar with a few of the elements of Microsoft 365 for example the Office programs, a lot don’t realise what the vast array of apps actually allow you to do.


The training includes Microsoft Teams, Forms, OneNote, Sway and ToDo. The package is available for £150 for all 5 courses and covers ALL staff in your school. (Or you can purchase individual courses for £99 each or sign up for our unlimited package of 30 courses for £299)


Microsoft Teams

MS Teams is proving invaluable for schools as a means of communicating with staff, having meetings, sharing files and work AND for teachers to communicate with and teach pupils.  This easy to follow training courses will enable you to use MS Teams to its full potential.


Signing up for MS Teams. Creating teams.  Inviting people to teams. Creating channels - best practice
Picking teams. Starting conversations / replying / @mentioning.  Activity.  Sharing files. Adding tabs in channels. Working with files.  Meetings - meet now, and in advance.   Assigning roles in meetings, yes/no to video. Sharing your screen in a meeting. Using the Whiteboard.  Video / audio calls.  Recording calls and meetings and sharing recordings.


Microsoft Forms

MS Forms is a package that allows you to create surveys, polls, quizzes and tests.  Microsoft Forms was developed for the education market, and provides an easy way to asses pupils progress on a regular basis.   It is also ideal for parent or staff surveys.


Creating a form. Adding content – choice, text, rating, date. Other question times – ranking, likert, net promoter score. Adding sections. Branching. Previewing and editing. Themes. Templates. Creating a quiz. Correct answers and scoring. Feedback during quiz. Options – participant names, start and end dates. Distributing your form – link, QR code, email, embed, social media. Viewing results – summary, individual responses, individual scores, Excel links


Microsoft Loop

This new app Microsoft Loop is a collaborative app with integrated AI that allows teams to think, plan, and create together across various apps and devices. It features MS Copilot that helps co-create content and stay in sync. Microsoft Loop brings together content, tasks, and team members across different apps and devices.
Creating workspaces, adding pages, adding content - the / options and @ options, voting tables, inviting teams.


Microsoft OneNote

Often described as ‘the best Microsoft program you’re probably not using’ MS OneNote is a note-taking program for free-form information gathering and multi-user collaboration. It gathers users' notes, hand writing and drawings, screen clippings, audio commentaries, images, videos & more.


Creating & deleting notebooks, sections and pages. Creating notes. Adding content, screen clippings, images, audio, video and files, tables. Formatting notes – text, bullets, styles, pages. Spellcheck & grammar. Templates. Writing tools and pen mode. Interacting with Outlook.  Sharing and collaborating. Options and passwords.


Microsoft Sway

MS Sway is which is Microsoft’s attempt to provide a lightweight, cloud-only, story-telling application that is easier to use than PowerPoint and provides more narrative devices than simply slide after slide of bullet points.


Creating new Sways, Storylines and cards. Adding text, image, video, or other content types. Formatting, layout & design.  Sharing your Sway.


Microsoft To-Do

A simple online to do list for your computer, tablet or phone (or all).

Adding tasks – due date, reminders, locations, repeats. Breaking tasks into steps. Completing tasks. Creating separate lists. Adding detail. Using My Day. Importance and other criteria. Colour themes. Sharing lists and collaborating. Settings


How does the training work?

The training courses are held on our online platform, so you can access them anytime and from anywhere. Each staff member has an individual login, so it knows where each person has got up to, and restarts at the correct point each time. The sessions have notes to download and a video presentation – you can watch it, pause and try out the functions, and then there an assignment to try out the topics covered.



The Microsoft 365 training package, containing the 5 courses costs £150 per school for as many staff as required. You can purchase an individual course for £99 per school. 


However, we have MANY other courses available including the Microsoft Office packages (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Publisher etc) School Finance courses, GDPR and a range of Personal Development courses (Time Management, Assertiveness, Training, Mentoring, Dealing with difficult people etc)  ALL of these courses can be purchased for £299 per annum. This is for unlimited staff members.  Click here for Unlimited Package


The training is extremely cost effective – being a one-off price for the whole school, meaning as many staff as desired can use the training again and again. 


There is no time limit on completion and sessions can be access from school or home, at any time and day.


ALL these courses are included FOC in our 12 months Unlimited Online Training package with 45+ courses included covering School Finance, Microsoft at all levels, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Personal Skills and GDPR.


Click here to book / see more details on the Unlimited Online Training package @ £299

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