Generating additional income for schools
Many schools are struggling with increasingly squeezed budgets. Financial difficulty is an ever-present issue.
Spending per pupil in the UK is "still close to or just below levels seen a decade earlier" despite recent increases, according to a new report from the Institute of Fiscal Studies.
It finds that between 2009-10 and 2018-19, spending per pupil fell by 8 per cent in real terms in England, while since then, total school spending per pupil has risen by about 8 per cent in real terms to reach just below 2009-10 levels.
Schools all over the country are looking for ways to generate some additional income to ease a little of the financial burden.
The aim of this training course and resource pack is to come up with some ideas for income generation that are not too onerous on school staff.
If just one or two ideas work for you, then this could be a welcome additional to your finances.
Session 1 – Make sure you are getting everything you can from the DFE - Pupil Premium, Service Pupil Premium, English as an Additional Language EAL, PE & Sports Premium Funding for Primary Schools, High Needs Funding
Session 2 – Capital Funding from DFE - School Conditional Allocations, Condition Improvement Fund, Devolved Formula Capital
Session 3 – Grants - Grant list and how to find them, Tips for applying for grants
Session 4 – European Funds - Erasmus/Turing Scheme, Structural Funds
Session 5 – Business Links - Ways businesses can make donations, Ideas for business links, How to approach businesses, Business matched funding programs.
Session 6 – Affiliate programs - Amazon, eBay, Uniform, Local businesses
Session 7 – Parental skill donation - Gathering information, ideas for skill donations
Session 8 – Generating income from existing resources - Grounds/sports/PE, Food Tech/kitchens, Textiles, Art, Music, Reprographics, Fayres
Session 9 – Awards & competitions -80+ awards list for schools, List of school competitions & where to find
Session 10–Fundraising - Parental -School Fund donation schemes, Commissions, 100 club, Non Uniform days, Sponsored events, Old clothes collections, Voucher collections
Session 11–Fundraising - Non -Parental -Alumni, Public at large
Session 12–Gift Aid – Introduction to Gift Aid, Who can claim, What it can be claimed on, Record keeping & declarations, Cash donations, Aggregating claims for small amounts, Is it worth the effort?
This course is designed for anyone in school who would like ideas for generating additional income. The sessions are delivered over the internet and each session has a video presentation with accompanying notes. There is a short assignment at the end of the training, and a certificate will be issued to each person on completion.
The 12-session course costs £99 per school and multiple staff can attend from each school for this price. The whole course takes around 3 hours to complete, but you can of course just use the sessions of interest.
To purchase this course for £99 please complete the form below. It IS included FOC with out Unlimited Training Program - click here for details.