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Internal Audit for school finance


The role of internal audit is important in school finance, to provide assurance that the management, governance and internal control processes are operating effectively. An internal audit process will monitor the integrity of the financial statements, review the schools internal financial controls and pave the way for a stress-free external audit.


It does not have to be an onerous task however – by putting clear, simple processes in place, a school should be able to perform this function effectively and make the external audit process a much easier, and more straight forward event. It does not require specially trained and qualified staff members – merely an efficient procedure & reporting process.


The aim of this short course, is to provide the skills and procedures for this task. Delivered over the internet – and consisting of 2 x 1 hour sessions over successive weeks, each session provides a live, interactive online presentation with accompanying notes (the live session being recorded so anyone can watch it after the event, at a time of their choosing) Attendees can ask questions and email us after the sessions with any additional queries.


The course has a completion assignment which will help consolidate the information covered, and will result in a Basic Internal Audit Certificate.


The 2 sessions are as follows :


Session 1 - The Role and Function of Internal Audit - Key goals of the internal audit function, Ensuring auditor objectivity, Avoiding conflicts of interest within auditing.  Planning Effective Audits - Pre-audit planning, Objectives, measurements, and key transaction types, Risk assessment


Session 2 - Conducting Effective Audits - Audit sampling techniques & procedures, Developing best practice. Audit Report Writing - Recording findings during the audit, The 5 C’s, Ensuring objective comments & use of constructive language, Improvement recommendations & continuous improvement techniques


The 2-session course costs £99 per school and multiple staff can attend from each school for this price.   


Complete the form below to use the recorded sessions to complete the training as and when you wish.

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Istek UK Ltd

3 St Ursula's Close


Wiltshire SP1 3FY

Tel - 01722 413255

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