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Personal Skills - Course overviews

These courses are included FOC with our Unlimited Training Program - click here for details. 

Working at a computer - course contents

How sitting affects your body

How to sit properly - back, feet, screen etc. Task to check

Standing and moving - exercises to try

Hands & arms and avoiding RSI - keyboard & mouse position, exercises

Working with screens - glare, documents, software, laptops

Eyes and eye exercises

Tools for use in school


Stress management - course contents

What is stress

What causes stress

Effects of long term stress

Signs & symptoms of stress

Task - how stressed are you?

Quick fixes for immediate relief - breathing, relaxing muscles, changing the view

Long term strategies - organisation,  positive relationships, emotion support, managing reactions, looking after yourself

PTSD & chronic stress

Proactive stress management

Work environments

Personal action plan



Time management skills - course contents

Good & Bad time management

Planning & Prioritising

Time Management Matrix

Prioritised to do lists

Productivity tools - batching, multi-tasking, breaks and rewards, know what to cut

Time robbers & strategies to fight them

Organising space, communications & paperwork

Working with others

Sharing & delegating


Personal action plan



Assertiveness skills - course content

Intro to assertiveness

Passive, aggressive and assertive behaviour

Characteristics of assertiveness - eye contact, body posture, voice, phrasing & content

Tips & techniques for assertiveness

Techniques for saying NO

How to complain effectively

Dealing with passive co-workers

Personal checklist



Dealing with aggressive people

Understanding aggression

Recognising aggression

Passive aggression

Dealing with aggressive people

Dealing with passive aggressive people

Dealing with your own aggression

Dealing with violence

Creating an aggression free workplace



Training skills - how to train people effectively

Preparation - outcomes, steps, materials

Delivery - structure, listening skills, questioning skills, presentation skills, verbal skills, engagement, humour

Difficult customers



Mentoring skills

What is a mentor

Mentoring types

Mentoring skills

How to start with a mentee - tackle list, boundaries

Mentoring sessions - check in, development, plan, follow-up

Ongoing role - modelling, sponsoring, inspiring, challenging


Action plan


Interviewer skills
The Law – Equality Act 2010, what you can and cannot ask, positive action
Job Description – writing a spot on description
Assessing CVs/application forms – Prioritising competencies, screening & assessing, red flags, checking social media.
Preparing for Interview – Structuring interview questions – behavioural & situational, open ended and probing questioning. Questions to avoid. Planning skills tests / role playing.  Weighting and scoring. Who to include in interview. Cultural fit. Reducing interview bias by becoming aware of own biases. Reducing stress for interviewees. 
The interview – before the interview starts, as candidates arrive, first impressions, meet & greet and making people feel at ease. Introducing your culture and representing your school. Asking the planned questions and when to probe. Body language. Spotting red flags. 
After the interview – evaluating candidates fairly and consistently & making a decision. Additional interviews. Timely follow up. Making a conditional offer  - Pre employment checks & reference checks. Making a firm offer.
Mock interview examples to try.

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