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Go to INVOICING TAB -        




This is where you create the different options  to raise invoices for. This might be one item called MUSIC LESSONS or you might decide to have VIOLIN, GUITAR, PIANO etc all shown separately.


If you just want the invoice to say MUSIC LESSONS with no further details, and if there are no more than 5 different prices you want to charge for music lessons, you could have just one Short Code Product on the system called MUSIC – description LESSSONS.


If you want more details on the invoice, eg VIOLIN LESSONS. Monday 9.30am, Mrs Stewart…   then you would need to create a different Short Code product for each one.


In this example we are create two products called VIOLIN LESSONS and FLUTE LESSONS


First, select the main PFM short code that this product/service will feed into, in the main accounts – in our case a shortcode called MUSIC


Enter a Product Code  for this first product – eg MUSC or VIOLIN etc.,  and then a description that will appear on invoices.


Enter any required notes – anything entered here appears on the invoice.


Enter the charge for this item – there are up to 5 different options here.  In our example we are using rate A as the main rate, B for siblings and


C for income support etc.


Tick or untick if this item updates the individuals contribution.


Click on ADD NEW to add more items.


To see what products have been created, click on the PREPARE INVOICES tab.


PEOPLE  TO INVOICE - GROUPS – Group individual students for batch invoicing - OPTIONAL


This powerful feature, enables you to build groups of people that you can invoice as one operation rather than having to create individual invoices.

It is however optional – you may choose to invoice individually and not use groups.

Groups can be made up of students or others, or other groups.  So you could have a group called GCSE GROUP  for those who pay rate C,MAIN GROUP who pay rate A etc.


Type in a group name then tick on Students radio box  and use the arrow > buttons to add people to this group.  Click ADD NEW and repeat for any other groups required.




This is simply where we say which students ot groups, pay which rate.  Up to this point the system does not know this.

First select the item eg MUSIC

In the top right hand corner, select the correct charging rate .

In the middle list, click either on individual students or if set up, click on GROUPS button then select  groups to charged at rate A using the arrow > key

Repeat for rates B, C etc by clicking rate B in top right corner, If you are not using groups, make sure Students radio box is ticked at the top of the middle column, then manually select each student to pay RATE A, then repeat for RATE B etc.



This is where the invoices can be created for EVERYONE –all students/people in group – that are linked to the SHORT CODE PRODUCT in the Build Invoices area.

 Click on this tab and a list of all products appears. Tick items to include in this invoice run and click to create and print later. 


 At this point, the individuals contribution will be updated with the invoice amount, if this option was ticked in Short Code Products.





 Use this option to print invoices  





Paying by BACS


PFM now exports a payment file from the Payments area for use with your existing BACS processing program.  To use this facility, first add the suppliers BACS details and also the Schools BACS details.  You also need to choose which BACS option you wish to use.


Setting up Supplier banking details for BACS


Setup – Suppliers – View/Amend/Add  - new fields for banking information for use with BACS payments in Payments area.   Add

  •          Account number

  •          Sort Code

  •          Account Name  -   NB for Bankline, this field must be LESS THAN 18 characters, or it will cause the BACS import to error. Please do not enter the '&' character, even if it is in the account name, as this also causes a BACS error. Use 'and' or leave a space.

  •          Reference (eg short version of their name)


Setting up Schools details for BACS


FILE – School Address


Add details necessary for BACS link - BACS details option with fields for:

  •          School Name and address to appear on remittance

  •          Service user Name

  •          Bank account number

  •          Sort Code

  •          Account Name


Choosing BACS type


File – BACS Type  .  Select option required


Creating the BACS file


To create the BACS file go to Payments,  enter payments required but instead of a cheque number enter B for Bacs. Enter invoice details in the NOTES column. When ready, click on BACS button.  If remittances are required choose to either PRINT or EMAIL advices.

Your BACS file will have been created and can now be imported into your BACS processing system.   The location of the BACS file is automatically copied to your Clipboard (as if you used Edit-Copy or Ctrl C)  so most Bacs systems simply need the path name for the file created – go into your BACS and where it asks for the file name/path use CTRL-C to copy it from your clipboard.




Processing VAT


To process VAT in PFM, you will need the PFM Academy version of the software.   Please email istek for notes.


If you DO NOT have the PFM Academy, you can,  with a slight adjustment to your processing technique, enter VAT.


There are a few ways to achieve this - either separating the VAT at the time of entry (often easiest as you will have the invoice with the VAT element in front of you) or journaling the entries after input.


Journalling method -


1. Create 3 new short codes called Vat on Purchases, Vat on Sales and Vat liability,  Enter payments and receipts in the usual way.


2. After entering any items with a Vat element, go to Trans Entry- Transfers - Short Code Transfers.  For Sales select FROM VAT on Sales. TO Vat Liability  - date and amount as a positive. (Each one indivividually)   Notes to indicate s/c account and customer.


For purchases choose FROM Vat on Purchased   TO Vat liability - date and amount as a minus figure.Notes to indicate s/c account and supplier.


3. You will end up with accounts showing all VAT transactions and a Liability account showing the amount you owe (sales-purchases)



Direct Entry Method


1. Enter payments out, that incur VAT as follows


Transaction Entry - Payments - Select short code - enter payment over two lines - the first being the Net and the second being the VAT element.  Both lines are coded to the same Short code and use the same cheque number.  However, in the Notes section for the VAT you will need to enter VAT PAID.


2. Enter payments in from students or other, that include a VAT element you have charged


Transaction Entry- Receipts.   Process as any regular receipt except, as with payments, split over two lines with the second line given the note VAT SALES


3. Produce VAT reports


Screen enquiries - Transaction Lists  - Free text type  - type in VAT.  Change the From and To date as required, and press Period Search.

When the report appears choose Excel and then sort the amount column - the minus figures show the VAT paid which can now be totalled, the positive show the VAT charged.













Istek UK Ltd

3 St Ursula's Close


Wiltshire SP1 3FY

Tel - 01722 413255

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