Equipment Register
Keeping a track of the schools assets – their location, value, maintenance carried out in terms of electrical testing etc , can be a time consuming and laborious task. Many schools turn to spreadsheets to keep a list, but does this offer the best solution?
The Equipment Register from Istek provides a simple way to manage your inventory, which allows simple data entry/editing, calculates depreciation if required & produces all required information.
It includes Asset Maintenance, Depreciation (optional), Screen Enquiries, Reports & Exporting, Stock Check and Setup areas.
Very straightforward entry and amendment of assets
Import assets from existing spreadsheets
Wide range of reporting options
Very simple and intuitive to use Windows program.
Asset Maintenance -unlimited assets may be set up, detailing asset ID and description, Category, Location, Responsible Person, Acquisition date and Cost, Fund, Order Number, Invoice Number and Security Number.
Depreciation information can be entered (optional) for all or some assets, which will be used to generate Depreciation postings and Current Value reports.
Maintenance information can also be entered recording the date, nature of maintenance and provider, eg for Electrical or other mandatory testing. This can be used to generate reminders.
Stock Check - This provides lists in electronic (Excel) format or printed form, for checking. Select a category / location / resonsible person etc., and click on Export Stock Check. Excel list is updated and returned, then click on Import Stock Check to record / update details.
Or use paper forms for ‘ticking’ and record manually on a simple onscreen tick-sheet
A wide range of reports are available.
Asset Listings provide a large number of summary or selective reports, by category, locations, purchase date etc. including asset labels.
Disposal Reports produce lists of deleted or sold assets, and Profit/Loss on sale reports.
Asset Valuation Reports, Depreciation Reports,
Maintenance Reports and Stock Check Reports produce a selection of appropriate printouts.
For further information, please email